San Juan Capistrano Swallows Day Design 15 Sweatshirts & T-Shirts

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  • Regular price $25.00

In this design for Mission San Juan Capistrano's "Return of the Swallows," Kimberleigh depicts early morning at the Mission when the rising sun shines on the adobe walls and rocks of the Great Stone Church. This is also the time when swallows are feeding. Kimberleigh, with help from Mission Preservation Project Manager, Sam U'Ren, took the photo reference from high atop a ladder at the entrance of the Great Stone Church. The swallows, of course, were drawn from separate photos and added to the scene. Although not using the walls of the Mission for nest building anymore, the cliff swallow continues to return to the Capistrano Valley at this time each year.

Available in short- and long-sleeve t-shirts.

T-shirts 100% pre-washed "ultra" cotton. Natural color. See Customer Servicefor product information, care instructions, and size guide plus returns/exchanges & shipping policies.

Please visit the Mission's website and you may want to check out our San Juan Capistrano page.